We're confident we can make a difference, and you'll no longer feel like you're working alone. You'll work smarter, better and dramatically increase your profits.
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What is the Independent Jewelers Organization (IJO)?
The Independent Jewelers Organization is an elite group of retailers. Our members are Master IJO Jewelers and are hand-selected for membership in the Independent Jewelers Organization (IJO). IJO is an organization which only accepts jewelers with the highest ethical standards and superior professional integrity. IJO provides marketing and educational opportunities to members worldwide.
As a Master IJO Jeweler, members receive benefits such as expert training, allowing them to update their knowledge, skills and experience to help their consumers make confident jewelry purchases. Group purchasing power allows each Master IJO Jeweler to pass a significant savings on to their customers, while maintaining the highest quality products they have come to know. And, the fact that IJO Jewelers are active members of their communities, means they strive to offer an unsurpassed level of service.
Master IJO Jewelers adhere to an ethical code of conduct, offering the honesty, trust, integrity and "Brilliance You Deserve"® no other jeweler can provide.
IJO members also offer consumers a host of exclusive services.
Extensive buying opportunities, bringing the top fashions and best prices to their customers. In addition, traveling the world to buy direct from the source and pass on these savings. Buying trips have included, Brazil (Colored Stones), South Africa (Diamonds), Far East (Colored Stones, Jewelry), Italy (Gold Jewelry) and Israel (Diamonds).
Their ability to buy diamonds directly from the cutters through their offices in the famous city of Antwerp, Belgium, the diamond capital of the world.
Master IJO Jewelers are full service jewelers, with knowledgeable staff who will educate and guide consumers through purchases either online or at their store.
Master IJO Jewelers have the opportunity to attend two trade shows each year, where top-notch jewelry vendors exhibit the latest designs.
Be listed with the Jewelers Board of Trade, and be able to prove creditworthiness.
Be doing an annual volume of at least $250,000 and meet the Minimum Purchase Requirement of $35,000 for an initial 12-23 month period. Each subsequent 12-month period will be based on your annual sales.
Agree to pay the IJO vendor members promptly.
Agree to abide by IJO's Code of Conduct
Attend at least one IJO Show per year, if possible.
Operate from an actual storefront.
IJO will provide members with:
Exclusive market area - they will be the only IJO member in each territory.
One airline ticket and four hotel nights for their first IJO Conference.
A guarantee that if, after attending their first IJO Conference, not completely satisfied, or if it is decided that IJO is not for them, their membership dues will be refunded immediately.
IJO Conferences are held in February/March and July/August at varying locations (San Antonio, Chicago, Boston, Palm Springs, Tampa, Dallas, Colorado Springs, Orlando).
All IJO vendors exhibit at all IJO Conferences and provide many extra savings opportunities to IJO members who attend. Education is an important feature at the Conferences and contributes to the increased success of IJO members. Children are encouraged to attend our Conferences. Networking is also an important factor at IJO Conferences and since IJO members do not compete with one another, information is shared that will benefit the stores and provide ideas and promotions that will increase their profitability. A number of social activities, golf and tennis tournaments, receptions, jewelry design contests and a formal banquet are all part of the schedule.
IJO provides a family atmosphere and often uses the term "We Are Family".
-Travis Piper, Piper Diamond Company, Vincennes, IN.
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Confidence Gained was Priceless
-Curt Marino, Seita Diamond Jewelers, Tarentum, PA
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ACCESS TO PEOPLE of my own age
-Dina Unwin, Sterling Jewelers, Wethersfield, CT
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“Where else can you speak to other jewelers from all over the country whose only agenda is to help you do better? Being in IJO has been inspirational, motivational, and made us realize we weren’t alone.“
– Jeff Samuels, William Jeffrey's Fine Diamonds & Jewelry Mechanicsville, VA
Apply For Membership
If after attending your first IJO Conference you are not completely satisfied, or decide that IJO is not for you, your membership dues will be refunded immediately.